Monday, March 30, 2009

MOPS Fundraiser Picture

A few weeks ago, my MOPS group sold $10 tickets to get your child's picture taken. The incentive was a "free" 8x10. Of course, the photographer then tried to sell you all the pictures. I took Christopher with no intention of buying any since we have school pictures coming up soon; I just wanted the free 8x10 (not to mention help out my MOPS group). Unfortunately for us, this photographer uses tuxes and fancy white dresses for the kids to dress up in. We did choose to put Christopher in a tux and OH. MY. was WAY TOO CUTE!!! Sadly, the cheapest price for the pictures was $140 (6 sheets), but the price of the package I wanted was $230 (11 sheets plus cd with copyright release)!!!!! <:-O Umm...NO WAY, JOSE!!!! The photographer was then willing to go down to $130 for 4 sheets. Heck, if I'm spending more than $100, I'm getting a heck of a lot more than FOUR sheets!!!!! That was $32.50 PER SHEET! Crazy!!! So, after all that, here's the free 8x10 pose that I chose:

Of course I'm biased, but isn't he the cutest????? :D

1 comment:

Joy said...

He is SO CUTE!!!! I love him in the little tux!!!