Well, I'm sitting here at just after 11:00 pm waiting for Shad to get home from the UT ballgame. I probably won't make it until then, though, since it'll probably be around 1:00 am. UT played Air Force and barely won...31-30. I stayed home with Christopher since the game didn't start until 6:00 central. Plus, I agreed to work the church nursery tonight.
Christopher and I made the 6 hour trek last Saturday, though, when UT played California. It was such a GREAT game! We won 38-18! California's 18 points mainly came in the 4th quarter against our 2nd and 3rd string players. Since the game started at 4:30 central, we had plenty of time to tail-gate. Then, my dad and Patti took Christopher with them to their house while Shad, Richard and I went to the game. The next game I go to will be in 2 weeks against Marshall. It's UT's homecoming, too.
Christopher's sleep has been wobbley over the last couple of weeks. I don't know if it was teething or not, but he kept waking up once in the night and wouldn't go back to sleep without eating. He's been back to sleeping through for a few nights now, but I don't hold my breath either. Last night, he went to bed at 9:30 and slept until 7:00 am! Yay! He had a rough time going down tonight, so I hope he does okay.
Last night, Richard came down and actually paid US to go out on a date so that he could baby-sit Christopher! LOL! Shad and I went to Toot's, which we never do with Christopher since it doesn't have a separate smoking/non-smoking section. Then, we went to a late movie and saw Invincible with Mark Wahlberg. It's based on a true story about Vince Papale who played football with the Philadelphia Eagles. It was a really good movie! We definitely enjoyed our date night!
I'm fighting off allergies again! Grrr! This is at least the 4th illness that I've had since Christopher was born back in December! I NEVER get sick this often! In addition to losing some brain (memory) cells, my figure and my hair, I think I've also lost some of my immunity! The last issue was strep throat about 2 months ago. I've had the normal scratchy throat, runny/stuffy nose and head and chest congestion since Wednesday. Today, however, I noticed my throat was sore again, which doesn't usually happen after it quits hurting. I looked at my tonsils and sure enough...there are 2 white patches back there! Ugh! I'm thinking it's Tonsillitis, though. I also think that's what I had to begin with last time, but didn't see a doctor soon enough, so it turned into Strep Throat. I'm planning to go to the doctor on Monday, if possible, and get on some more antibiotics.
Poor Christopher has a cold now, too. I'm sure he caught it from me as Shad started complaining today that he's not feeling too well either. Of course, he has to BLAME me for getting him sick! As if I PURPOSELY pass it on to him so that he can suffer, too. Anyway, Christopher's runny nose started on Thursday and has turned into nasal congestion. It doesn't sound like it's moved into his chest, but I'm keeping a close ear out for it.
Tonight in the nursery at church, Christopher scared me to DEATH! I was in the process of opening a jar of baby food and had given him a Gerber Star to keep him occupied for a minute. He started making little gagging gestures, so I quickly proceeded to do the swoop-thing to get it out. HOWEVER, it was in further than I thought and I think I actually pushed it in further and COULDN'T GET IT OUT!!! I started to panic and asking for help. Then he started coughing and then crying, so I knew it went down okay. Poor baby cried so hard! I wanted to, also, but held it back as best as possible. I sure was shaking, though! Thankfully, one of the other ladies that works in the nursery with me came to us really quickly, but wasn't needed in the end. After crying for a minute, Christopher was okay and ready to eat his mixed vegetables! I'm SO glad he won't remember stuff like that for a long time! This is such a scary time with him learning to eat solid foods!
Shad finished working all the overtime last week, so now he's been instructed to go back to 40 hours a week. That means that I HAVE to find a part-time job now. Ugh! I went to the mall here in town and started applying for evening positions. I'm going to have to give up softball and I won't be putting Christopher to bed except on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. I don't like that one bit, but it was either that or Shad getting a 2nd job and him being extremely worn out, not having a life and us not getting to see each other much. We're still not going to see much of each other if I get a job, but I guess until he starts making a lot more money, it'll have to be this way. Sometimes I hate what life deals us!
Well, that's about all going on around here right now. We'll be starting another semester of Discovery U at church, so will be busy on Sunday evenings in addition to Wednesday evenings. I refuse to give up that time to work, though, so can at least look forward to that!
It's now time to hit the sack for a little bit before Shad gets home and wakes me up. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day at church...regular church stuff in the morning...working the nusery for the new members class from 12 - 2...then working the nursery for Discovery U from 5 - 7. Uff da...but good money!
I'll post another update after Christopher's 9 month check-up on September 19.
Our Second Cruise
2 weeks ago