Thursday, October 12, 2006

9 Months 3 Weeks 6 Days

Ugh! Today's a rough day! I don't know what Christopher's problem is, but he's been fussy almost all day and refuses to take a good nap! My first attempt to put him down was around 11:15. He fussed for 30 minutes before I gave up. I let him play for a while until about 1:00 when I fed him lunch. Well, only a few bites into it, HE FELL ASLEEP!!! Yep, in his high chair! So, I put him in his crib where he slept for only 30 minutes instead of his usual 2-3 hours. After getting him up, I finished feeding him, but he was fussy the entire time! I was so frustrated that I just put him back in his crib and let him cry it out. He finally fell asleep after about 30 minutes of crying. I hope he sleeps longer than 30 minutes this time! I felt so bad for letting him cry so hard, but my nerves were so frazzled that I needed to just leave him be. I ended up going outside for a few minutes just to get a break.

Christopher had a clumsy day on Tuesday...and it was a Bad Mommy Day for me. He ended up falling and hitting his head TWICE. He now has a small scrape and a couple of bruises to show for it. Sad He's doing very well at pulling himself up nowadays, but can't quite figure out how to get back down. I've tried "teaching" him, but it's going to take a little time before he gets it. I did notice, though, today while he was crying in his crib that we went from standing up to laying on his stomach, so he got down on his own somehow.

Fall is definitely here today! It was 75 degrees yesterday, but not even 50 today! Brrr! I like it though. It means that I can pull out my sweatshirts and sweaters. Some that I haven't been able to wear in 2 years since I was pregnant.

I'm still playing softball. This season feels like it's never going to end! All of our games are either at 8:30 or a double-header at 7:15 AND 8:30. Those are the nights that Shad gets to put Christopher to bed. Why is it that he seems to have an easier time at it than I do? Lately, Christopher's been fussing for a minute when I put him down, but goes right out for Shad. I told him that he'd earned the job of putting Christopher to bed from now on. LOL! So far, we've won 9 games and lost 2. I think that puts us in 2nd place. However, because of a situation a few weeks ago involving an umpire who didn't want to stay, we're shown as having 3 losses. The other umpire that worked our game has written a letter contesting it for us and our coach has to do the same. It's very ridiculous! All because the one umpire didn't want to work! Grrr

Last Friday, a friend and I took our kiddos to a local pumpkin patch in Smyrna. It was so much fun! I think we're going to go again next week. Here's a link to some pictures and a couple of videos from our visit:
(Blogger isn't letting me upload photos, so the link will have to do instead.)

I'm still trying to find a part-time job to work in the evenings. I hate that I'm going to have to give up my evenings with Shad and Christopher, but it's the only option we have without putting Christopher into daycare. A couple of weeks ago, I submitted applications to several stores in the local mall (decent closing hours Winky), including Bath and Body Works. I haven't heard back on any of them, so I've been calling to follow-up today. I know that Bath and Body Works is hiring for the holidays and I'm really hoping to get on with them. I love that store, so think I'd enjoy working there. Of course, I'd be very tempted to spend my paychecks there, but I'll have to have some self-control! Dismay

This past weekend, Richard gave us a GT Xpress 101. I've been having fun this week making breakfast and lunch stuff. I made a ham and cheese omelet one day for breakfast...a chili cheese burrito for lunch once...and a ham and cheese burrito for lunch several times. It's SO neat!

This weekend is a free weekend for us as far as football games go. This is the Vols only Saturday off during this season, but we've got everything else planned instead. Rolling Eyes We've got a friend's birthday party for their 3 year old in the morning and then a Fall Fest gathering for Shad's company in the late afternoon/evening. I think we'll be able to fit a nap for Christopher in the early afternoon.

Speaking of naps and Christopher...he just woke up, so I'd better go get him now. Until next time, here's a link to Christopher's First Website: It's an ongoing project that I've been trying to keep updated...especially the please check back on it every now and then. I'll try to remember to post when I've updated something major. Thanks for looking and please sign his guest book!