For quite some time now, Christopher's been stating the following:
"When I grow up, I might want to be a firefighter and then a plumber!"
He's pretty set on at least the firefighter part, too. He gets really excited whenever the fire engines come by our house and HAS to watch them go by. He LOVES any kind of fire truck book! And, he has LOTS of his own fire trucks. However, I don't know where the plumber part fits in. We've had a plumber to our house twice that I can remember since C's been born. I think he just tacks it on at the end for the heck of it. *shrug*
P.S. I don't remember if I've noted this before, but another funny quote from Christopher from a few months ago:
We were driving by the local college campus and saw a college student twirling one of those huge signs advertising one of the bookstores. I kinda giggled when the guy dropped the sign because...well...he just plain looked goofy! Christopher said, "Mama, I don't think that's funny. I might want to do that when I'm big some day."
That still cracks me up!
Our Second Cruise
2 weeks ago