Since my last post 2 weeks ago, there have been a few things to happen. On Saturday, July 2, we went and picked up the dresser and chest of drawers that I've been needing to get from my mom. We've put those in our main bedroom and will be putting the ones we previously had into the baby's room. We still need to repaint the old dresser and refinish the old chest of drawers, but we've still got plenty of time. I've also received a couple of other baby/maternity related items from friends, family and co-workers including my boss and his wife.
Our 4th of July weekend was very good. We had several friends from our Sunday School class over to cookout, watch the local firework show and then shoot off our own. We've done that each year for the last 4 years we've been in this house. I just hope we can continue the tradition next year! By that time, we should have a 6 month old!
Our biggest news of this week is that Shad finally got a new job!!! He's been trying to get a position in managment with his current employer for the last 4-5 months, but there was nothing available. They finally created an entry-level position and offered it to him. Even though it's only entry-level, it comes with a small raise and potential for another raise in 6 months. Plus, he has a better chance to "climb the ladder" in this position. He starts on August 1. Since this is a daytime position, it'll be a change for both him and me, in addition to Brinkley who's used to having "Daddy" home with him all day! This will be the first time since we've been married (4 years and 8 months as of August 1) that we'll both be on the same schedule.
In other news, we just got DSL Internet at home! It's something we've been wanting but thought was WAY too expensive. Shad researched it and was able to combine our phone, internet and cell phone services into one, which gave us a discount. That in addition to a couple of things somehow allowed us to get the DSL without spending more than our normal budget allows. I just love it; it's SO much faster than dial-up!!!
Symptoms: I've been feeling pretty good through this whole pregnancy. My most recent symptoms have been frequent hunger, slight indigestion and frequent trips to the bathroom!
13 more days until the ultrasound where, hopefully, we'll find out if it's a Christopher or Rebecca!!!
Our Second Cruise
2 weeks ago