We're slowing getting over the initial shock of losing Brinkley. I still get sad thinking about him, and really, really miss him a lot, but I haven't cried in a few days now.
I went to Tullahoma yesterday to visit my mom and aunt. While down there, my mom gave me a memorial plaque for Brinkley's grave. I just have to wait for a time when Wanda's home so I can go over there.
I don't think I ever posted the stats from Christopher's weight check on Halloween: he has gained 1 lb 6 oz in 6 weeks and is now 18 lbs 3 oz!!! YAY! Dr. Tammy is VERY pleased, as is Mom and Dad! All we had to do was increase his solids, so nothing else needs to be done at this time. While there, he also got the 1st of 2 flu shots. He goes back on Dec. 4 (1 month later) for the 2nd shot. He has his 12 month appointment on December 21 where he'll get MORE shots. Poor baby!
I can't believe it's November already! Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner...in addition to Christopher's FIRST birthday! This year has gone by SO fast! I was originally thinking of traveling to Pennsylvania with my dad and step-mother to visit relatives over Thanksgiving, but have decided against it since that's a really long trip (approx. 10 hours) for Christopher to endure. I think we'll wait until the next one, which will probably be in the Spring. Hopefully, he can handle a trip that long at that age (15-18 mos). I just hope my grandfather will still be around then. He's over 90 years old, so can't be sure he'll still be with us tomorrow, much less 6 months from now.
Since we won't be going to PA, we'll probably do our usual of going to Shad's grandparents' in West Tennessee. That's only a 3 hour drive and Christopher can handle that much better. I don't know what to expect over there, though, either since Shad's grandfather is now in a nursing home. None of the relatives seem to think he'll recouperate and come home. Last I heard, though, he's slowly starting to walk again.
Shad once again reminded me over the weekend that we'll be staying home for Christmas starting this year. All of our relatives are invited to spend the day with us, though. That was the agreement we made when we got married: we'd travel to see relatives until we had a baby, then we'd stay home. He had to travel a lot as a child and absolutely hated it. I, on the otherhand, hardly ever left home for the holidays, so don't mind it at all. I understand him not liking it since he would get up Christmas morning and be gone for several days. He didn't get to play with his new toys as a kid. However, our relatives are only 1-3 hours away, so not THAT far. Christopher would have plenty of opportunites to play with his toys on Christmas Day! I told my mom yesterday about that arrangement and she's not too happy. It's getting harder for her to make the drive and it's only going to get worse as the years go by. I'm afraid Shad's not going to get his way every year. I guess that's something we'll have to deal with as we cross those bridges.
As for shopping for Christopher and his birthday and Christmas...I've started a Wish List on Wal-Mart's website (https://www.walmart.com/giftregistry/gr_detail.do?registry_id=26772916384). It's mostly toys since we're loaded down with 12 month+ clothing and don't need anymore. I've been given stuff all the way up to 5 and 6T!!!!! Most everything, though, is 12-24 months. I'm looking at getting Christopher some kind of ride & push toy. He recently started walking with a little rolling push toy at church, so I think he's ready for one of those at home. Other than that, I have no idea what Shad and I will get him. For my first Christmas, my mom and dad gave me a Fisher Price Christmas. I got the set of Little People (the old version!): the house, vehicle, camper trailer, airplane, merry-go-round record player and barn, along with all the people, animals, etc. My mom still has that set at her house for grandchildren/great-grandchildren to play with.
I'm so glad the elections are over with! I got so sick of hearing all the negative tv ads and getting tons of junk mail, phone calls and traveling campaigners! Shad and I took advantage of early voting last week. I learned a long time ago to do that! It made it that much nicer that we didn't have to fight the HUGE crowds and the bad weather! We're both big conservative Republicans and are very pleased with our state's results! Nationally, though, is a little different. Only time will tell. I keep hearing all the Breaking News on tv today... there's so much going on post-elections! I think Bush has given 2 press conferences just this afternoon alone!
Christopher's napping right now and should be waking any minute. I still need to eat some lunch so I can focus on him when he eats his. I think I'll have leftover Hamburger Helper (Jumbalaya) and some green beans. Yummy!
Our Second Cruise
2 weeks ago