Shad's Bad Back
Well, Shad reaggravated the herniated disks in his back on Monday evening. He was on the floor doing his back exercises before his softball game. He went to stand up and had a severe spasm. He was in so much pain that I almost called for an ambulance. He couldn't move, much less sit or stand. He was basically stuck on his hands and knees, but still wasn't comfortable. His reaction to the pain really scared Christopher. Poor thing was crying right along with Daddy! When Shad was finally able to get into the recliner, he wanted me to bring Christopher over to see him. However, Christopher didn't want anything to do with Shad, which upset Shad even more. If it hadn't been for the Lortab that was leftover from my gallbladder surgery, he wouldn't have made it through the night!
After being drugged up, he was able to sleep until it all wore off. Around 2:00, he woke up in as much agony as when it first happened. I got up to get some more Lortab and stayed awake with him until he fell back asleep around 3:00. Since he couldn't move to any other position besides his back, he couldn't roll onto his sides. When he sleeps on his back, HE SNORES. Therefore, between being wide awake anyway and his snoring, I couldn't go back to sleep. Finally around 6:30 (yep, still awake!), I moved out to the couch to try and salvage a little bit of sleep. I think I dozed for about an hour, but Christopher woke me up around 8:00. So, I went off of about 4 hours of sleep on Tuesday. No fun!
I took Shad to see his doctor on Tuesday morning. Thankfully, he was able to move a little better and was able to get out of the car and walk into the doctor's office (unlike last time which resulted in an overnight hospital stay)! He got a Cortizone shot and was sent home with prescriptions for a steroid, a muscle relaxer and some more Lortab. He also took yesterday and today off work, but is planning on going back tomorrow. He's moving around much better now, but won't be playing any golf or softball for a while! He claims his problems resulted from not being in shape or using his muscles enough. He played a softball game on Friday night and then turned around and played in a church golf scramble Saturday morning. He was pretty sore after playing golf on Saturday, but was planning to play softball again on Monday night. I guess that was too much for him, though.
Another Stomach Bug for Christopher
When I went to get Christopher up on Tuesday morning, before ever walking into his room, I realized something bad...he threw up sometime in the night! When I opened his bedroom door, his room REEKED! Christopher, though, was as happy as usual and ready to get up, eat breakfast and play. So, I cleaned up as much as I could and then fed him a little cereal. Unfortunately, I forgot to not give him milk and after drinking almost a full sippy cup, everything from breakfast came back up...before he even got out of his highchair! Ugh! So, now not only did I have a husband not able to do much for himself, but I also had a sick baby!
I had a softball game on Tuesday and Shad assured me that he'd be okay with Christopher. I told him not to put him to bed since he didn't need to be lifting anything, but apparently, Christopher couldn't make it until I got home. So, I got home to Christopher in bed sound asleep. Since I wasn't planning on Shad doing the bedtime routine, I didn't give him any bedtime instructions, including NO MILK. Of course, he didn't know he wasn't supposed to give Christopher milk, so that's what he put in the bedtime sippy. As a result, Christopher got sick just a little bit overnight. So, more sheets and pj's and carpet to clean on Wednesday!
He's had a couple of runny diapers and a little bit of a decreased appetite today, but overall has been okay. I tried nursing a few times to supplement, but he actually refused it once. That was a first! He started to refuse it a second time, but decided at the last second that he wanted to afterall. LOL! So, no milk at bedtime tonight and we've been trying to follow the BRAT diet. Hopefully, he'll be completely over the bug tomorrow!
He's got his second dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon. They'll just do another exam. I'm sure he'll cry like he did the first time. I'm wondering if he's too young yet. I don't want to scare him so much that he won't have anything to do with the dentist when he really needs to start going!
Our Second Cruise
2 weeks ago