Just in case you didn't see it all over my Facebook page, I went to Winter Jam again this year! I went last year, too, and had an absolute blast, so decided I wanted to go back this year. Once again, they didn't disappoint! The lineup this year included:
Revive (never heard of them before, but they were good)
Robert Pierre (17 year old kid who has an EXCELLENT voice!)
Sidewalk Prophets (started off with Michael Jackson's, "Man in the Mirror" before doing their own songs and sounded very much like MJ!)
Fireflight (too heavy metal for me)
Newsboys (the new lead singer is Michael Tate, former member of DC Talk. They performed JesusFreak and guess who made a guest appearance, but TOBYMAC!!! Very pleasantly surprised!)
Tony Nolan (VERY good evangelist that gave the Gospel message for the 2nd year in a row at least)
Tenth Avenue North (It was nice to have at least 1 group that I knew just about every song!)
Third Day (they were the "headliner" although you couldn't really tell beforehand. They performed the longest, though, at 45 minutes. I knew a bunch of their songs, too, so that was nice)
And was hosted by:
Newsong (I have to give credit for me getting in to Winter Jam to Russ Lee, the lead singer. He gave our group the VIP treatment and personally let us in the back door of the arena before the flood gates opened and the large masses were allowed inside!)
It was a very long concert, lasting 4 full hours! I left the house around 1 PM and finally got home after 11 PM, but had to sit and chill a while to let my ears settle down. It's now after midnight, my ears are almost better and I'm exhausted and ready for bed, so pictures will have to wait until tomorrow. Just a warning, though: concert pictures turn out CRAPPY for me and this was no exception! I'll sort through them, though, and see what's salvageable, so check back later!
Our Second Cruise
2 weeks ago