So, last night was Christopher's first night in his Big Boy bed and, wouldn't you know it, he fell out. Around 1:30, I woke quickly to his frantic cry and I knew immediately that he'd fallen out. Shad and I both ran to his rescue, but, thanks to the pillowed padding I had on the floor, he wasn't hurt, just scared. I put him right back in his bed and tucked him in, but he didn't want me to leave. Each time I tried to get up and walk out, he rolled over and whimpered, "Mama." So, I stayed sitting on the floor resting my head next to him while rubbing his back. It didn't take too long for him to go back to sleep.
Thankfully, that was the only time he fell out. However, he woke up around 6:00 crying for me. You know...he never did get out of bed on his own (during naptime or bedtime). I'm betting that I just need to give him a few days and he'll get the hang of it.
So, he woke up around 6:00...shortly after Shad left for work...proclaiming that he was hungry. Since it was so early and still dark outside, I wouldn't let him get up. So, I went and got him a little bit of milk and a cereal bar. He took one mini-bite of the cereal bar and then drank all of his milk. I tucked him back in and he went right to sleep and slept until about 8:30.
I'm going today to look for some type of 3/4-length guard rail to install before tonight. If I can't find anything, Shad's going to concoct something of his own. Hopefully tonight is better for Christopher!
Our Second Cruise
2 weeks ago