Yay! Christopher is starting to sit up by himself now! He can last for about 15-20 seconds at a time with an occasional 30 seconds or more. He's also becoming MOBILE! No, he's not crawling yet, but he is rolling from side to side like crazy! There's no keeping him on the rug or blanket anymore! And the hardwood floors don't stop him like they used to either.
Tuesday will be Christopher's 1st 4th of July! Every year since 2000, I've bought myself a Flag Tee from Old Navy. I don't intend on this year being any different. Plus, I'm going to look for a flag onesie or tee for Christopher, too.
We'll be doing our usual tradition...having friends and family over to grill out, shoot off a few bottle rockets in our backyard, walk across the street to a nearby elementary school ball field to watch the MTSU firework show and then shoot off all the rest of our fireworks until everybody decides it's time to go home. Only this year, I probably won't be watching the guys shoot off the fireworks as I don't think Christopher will like that too much. I might try to see how he does watching the MTSU firework show, but don't count on staying out there for long. He doesn't like when Brinkley barks too loud, so I don't expect him to "enjoy" the fireworks.
Our friends, Bill and Jen, had their baby girl, Lilly Jane, this past Saturday (June 24)!!! Jen was induced on her due date. Lilly was 7 lbs and 20 inches. We've already arranged for Christopher and Lilly to get married when they grow up! LOL! J/K! Apparently, Lilly's going to have to fight off the boys in our church since there are several close to her age.
Well, I started Christopher on some fruits and veggies last Friday (June 23). The first thing we tried were sweet potatoes. He did okay with them, but he didn't gobble them up like he did with cereal. After trying those a few days, I moved onto applesauce, which he LOVES. There was a major difference in reaction between the sweet potatoes and the applesauce! I think we'll be trying squash next starting tomorrow.
Shad went on a mission trip to New Orleans. They left last Friday and returned on Monday...a day earlier than planned since they finished the job early. Their task was to completely tear out the inside of a house ruined by the flooding. The eight of them that went from our church finished the job in 1.5 days when it normally takes a group of 20 people 3 days! Since they finished early, they were taken on a tour of the city and got to see all the damage. Let me just say that it was HORRIBLE. I thank God everyday for everything I have...even if it's not much!
Still no news on the job situation. I've submitted applications online to several different jobs. One includes a few positions with the State of Tennessee. That would mean going back to work full-time and putting Christopher into daycare full-time, but the money would be pretty good and would help us out tremendously! Out of all those applications I've submitted, though, I haven't heard from a SINGLE one of them! How frustrating!!! I'm also considering cleaning some houses. That would allow me to bring Christopher along and to somewhat set my own schedule. Hopefully something will happen soon as it's VERY stressful right now!!!
I'm so excited...Richard has a photographer friend who's agreed to take Christopher's 6 month pictures for us!!! We'll have to wait until after the 4th of July, though. Christopher will actually be closer to 7 months old than 6 months old. Oh well... it'll be the first formal pictures taken of him. I hope to get some more done after Christopher starts walking or after he turns 1. Then, it would be nice to get them done once a year, but that's too far down the road to think about now! Money-wise, it's expensive, so I don't know how often we'll actually get to do it.
I'll post pictures after we get them back in a few weeks!
Our Second Cruise
2 weeks ago