Wow! Another week has just FLOWN by! Everything is still pretty much the same as it has been the last several weeks: morning hunger, fatigue, indigestion, afternooon blahs. Actually, the last couple of days have been so "normal" that half the time I don't even remember I'm pregnant! I've not had ANY symptoms today...not even the blahs! Hopefully, everything will stay the same for the rest of today.
I've still been keeping busy with softball. Last night's game was REALLY hard for me, though. At one point, I ran all the way from first base to home. Afterward, I was so winded and out of breath that I couldn't even talk louder than a whisper! Thankfully, the temperature was nice. However, if it gets a whole lot warmer, which I assume it will soon, I may not be able to continue. I'll feel guilty, though, since I know they need players pretty bad. Most games, we don't even know if we'll have the minimum number of players. I've always been one they can count on to be there each game.
On Saturday, my sister and I will be going to a friend's wedding in Chattanooga and then over to visit my dad in Knoxville on Sunday. She's going to be down from school in Pennsylvania, so it'll be a nice catch up time for us.
No news on the house buying process. We haven't moved forward yet like we were planning to last week. We want so much to be able to be in a house of our own before this baby comes, but realistically know that, unless finances change, it's not going to happen like we want.
Only 9 more days until the sonogram!!! I'm so afraid that, with my lack of symptoms, we're not going to find a heartbeat. Please pray that all goes well and this child is healthy and growing like it's supposed to be growing!
Our Second Cruise
2 weeks ago