I'm sorry for not updating recently! I know, I'm a slacker!
Here's a run-down of the stuff worth mentioning:
- Took Christopher to the doctor on Friday for a persistent runny nose/cough, plus tummy problems. Anytime his colds last more than 2 weeks, I take him right in since his first ear infection was diagnosed when I took him in for a lingering cough. His doctor diagnosed him this time with *just* allergies (extremely common right now in this area!) and either a stomach virus or reaction to his nasal drainage (my vote is for the nasal drainage). He's been switched from Claritin to Zyrtec, which we started back on Saturday. I'm hoping it'll start clearing him up soon, but so far, he's still got a slight runny nose and cough. :( Oh, and he now weighs 26.5 lbs, which is about what I was expecting.
- Christopher has a new swing set! We picked it up on Sunday, but haven't had a chance yet this week to put it together. Hopefully this weekend!
- I had my first flat tire in ages back on Thursday. Christopher and I were leaving to go to school, when I heard that AWFUL sound, so turned around and went home (I was only a couple of houses down). Since the tire was unfixable and because it was so worn down, Shad just went ahead and bought a new one. I went back on Monday to get a 2nd one for the other back tire, so now we have 2 new tires on my car! Yay! Let's just hope we don't need 2 more anytime soon!
- Christopher's decided that sleep is over-rated. :p He's been going to bed at his usual time, but waking up earlier. He's been in our room as early as 6:15A, which is WAY TOO EARLY FOR US AND HIM!!! If only he'd go back to sleep in our bed, but no such luck. :( I think I probably need to get some new room-darkening shades and/or dark curtains since the sun does come up on the side of his window. To top things off, he's been skipping his naps at school...3 school-days in a row!!! >:( That is NOT a good thing! It makes for a very rough evening! We've been having some MAJOR 2-year old meltdowns these last several days! I mean, all-out, in the middle of the restaurant and Kroger, kicking, screaming, the whole 9 yards meltdown!!! Yep, sweet little innocent Christopher acts like THAT! I've been *trying* to tell people that he DOES have a little demon in him, but nobody believed me! LOL!
- This past Saturday, Shad, Christopher and I made a trip over to Monterey. we started out visiting my dad, but then headed over to the high school to see the son of a friend of Shad's graduate. It was really nice seeing them again as it's been nearly 3 years ago that we saw them last! Hopefully we'll be able to see them more often that every 3 years!
- This is our last week of preschool. :)/:( I spent today helping out in the 3-year old class instead of my regular 2-year old class. The regular assistant was out, so I was asked to work there today. I was actually glad so I could get a look at how the lead teacher works and what kind of schedule they have. Today was also Water Day, which was a blast for all the kids, including Christopher! Thursday is our last day and we're celebrating by having Pizza Day and showing the DVD that DH compiled to the kids' parents. I'm going to enjoy the break, but will miss it after a short time! Plus, it's nice having that extra income right now!
- We're gearing up for VBS at our church, which is June 2-6. I'm going to be assisting with the 4th graders instead of working with preschoolers for a change. That should be a lot of fun! I may find that I want to continue working with grade-schoolers at VBS from now on. I'll let you know after it's over. LOL!
- Shad just finished Week 3 out of 6 for wearing his splint on his finger. It got old after Week 1! :p He's been doing good about taking off the bandages and splint, cleaning everything and then letting his finger dry before retaping it. Of course, he needs my help since it's very difficult to do that by yourself when you canNOT bend the finger! He's pretty bummed about not being able to play softball, but has stepped in a couple of times when needed (taking it very easy, of course!).
- Softball has been keeping us both busy. Shad's *mostly* coaching (with the occasional stepping in to help out). We're on a break this week since the TSSAA Spring Fling is going on here in Murfreesboro. That's where ALL the high school sports teams converge on our town and compete. It's a very big money-maker for the town, but also a very big headache for the residents!!! It's only for this week, though, and then we're back to playing softball again. My next game is on Thursday, May 29.
- We're still waiting on our family pictures AND Christopher's class picture that we ordered over 3 weeks ago. I'm a bit aggravated as it *shouldn't* take this long in this day and age. Plus, we were told with the family pics that we'd get them in 3 weeks or less. >:( Hopefully they'll come soon!
Hmmm, I think that about covers everything for now, so I'll end here. I'm hoping those pictures come in soon. When they do, I'll try to post them on here to show them off.
Our Second Cruise
2 weeks ago
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