Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is It Separated Tendons or a Broken Finger afterall???

Shad had an appointment with his regular doctor on Monday and ended up having a 2nd x-ray taken of his mangled finger. Both the NP and the doctor took one look at it and said that his finger was broken, so referred him to a hand specialist. That appointment was this afternoon.

Now, the hand specialist on the other hand, says it's the tendons and NOT a break! Grrr! Enough of the back-and-forth diagnoses! Give him an answer already! The doctor did say that whether it's the tendons or if it's broken doesn't matter since the treatments are the same. They put some kind of molded splint on his finger that prevents him from bending it at all. He's supposed to wear it for 6 weeks and then go back for a follow-up visit. So much for playing softball this season, but he pretty much already knew that.

Here is a picture of his broken finger (the ring finger on his right hand):

Shad's broken finger

And, here are pictures of the x-ray:

X-ray of Shad's broken finger

X-ray of Shad's broken finger

X-ray of Shad's broken finger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Tiffany. I came across your blog on the internet about the "broken" finger and was interested in how things have turned out. I have an injury that I am seeing a specialist for in a couple of days that appears to be almost exactly the same. The only difference is mine is the ring finger on my left hand and the swollen, bowed knuckle is the next one up toward the big knuckle on my hand. The x-ray report said it was broken but neither the doc nor I could see a visible break. He thinks it's the tendons also. I would love to hear how the finger is now. My email address is Thanks for your time. God Bless.