Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Big Boy Bed!

Well, we've decided to make the switch from crib to Big Boy bed! Christopher's crib is a's a crib first and then a toddler bed. We took the crib railing off after church today and put up the toddler "guard rail." The term "guard rail" is deceiving, though, as it's not *really* a guard rail. It's just a support railing to help hold the mattress in place. Therefore, there's no actual guard rail to keep him from falling out. However, just in case he does, I've put some pillows and an old quilt on the floor to pad things. Hopefully, it won't need to be used.

We used naptime today to experiment and he did GREAT! He really enjoyed climbing in and out on his own (of course!). However, when it came time to take his nap, he wasn't too keen on the idea of going to sleep. He cried and cried, but SURPRISINGLY, he never once got out of bed! I hope it's not beginner's luck and that tonight will go just as smoothly!

Here's a couple of pictures from today's naptime:

1 comment:

Joy said...

I love it!!! It's hard to believe he's in one already! But I bet he'll do great =0)