1 Year, 4 Months and 26 Days old
Christopher and I left on Sunday, May 6 to fly up to Cleveland, Ohio. It was Christopher's first ride on an airplane!
Our flight on Sunday left at 11:05, so we were at the airport by 9:00. Since we arrived in plenty of time, and because there was a non-stop flight leaving at 10:55, I was put on the standby list for the earlier flight. However, I decided to take my name off since (1) I'd miss pre-board for our original flight and (2) there was no guarantee I'd get on the first flight (plus, would miss pre-board for that one, too). Therefore, we took our original flight, which took us to Chicago Midway. From there, we had to switch planes and continue on to Cleveland. Each leg was about 1 hour long.
For the first leg, he basically cried off and on the entire flight. I don't think the pressure was an issue as I had him munching on Teddy Grahams during takeoff and landing. We sat in the front row (more leg room) by the window. Unfortunately, the flight was full, so Christopher couldn't get his own seat. Also, two men sat next to us, so that made a difference as women would've been more "fun" for him. The guy sitting next to us (middle seat) tried talking to him, but I could tell he wasn't a father or much into kids. The guy who sat in the isle seat kept the earbuds to his Ipod in his ears and pretty much ignored us the whole flight. I think he was some semi-bigshot football player. I can't remember his name to try to look him up, though. I know the BIG names and he wasn't one of those, though. The weird thing was that he voluntarily sat down beside us (I loaded the plane first and originally sat in the middle seat). I guess he didn't care since he was listening to his Ipod.
We had about a 1-1/2 hour layover in Chicago, but that was fine with me. It allowed us enough time to find our next gate (totally different concourse) and then get some lunch. Unfortunately, I wore sandals that didn't agree with all the walking I did, so I ended up getting a couple of blisters. Ouch! I am SO glad that I took the new umbrella stroller as that prevented me from having to carry Christopher the whole time!!!
The second leg (Chicago to Cleveland) was a little better since two women sat next to us. Once again, we sat in the front row by the window. And, once again, the flight was full, so Christopher had to stay in my lap. He kept occupied by playing with the window shade, the magazines in front of us and the two women next to us. He only fussed a couple of times, mainly because he needed a nap.
We arrived in Chicago where Mindy picked us up. We then drove the two hours back to her place in Erie. Of course, Christopher went right to sleep as soon as we left the airport and slept the entire car ride.
Since Mindy doesn't have a pack 'n play and I didn't feel like lugging it along, she concocted a bed for Christopher by putting the mattress from her rollaway bed in amongst a bunch of packed boxes. It turned out to work VERY well as he slept through the night each night we were there!
On Monday, May 7, we left Erie and drove 6-1/2 hours to Hanover. Christopher *might* have slept for an hour of that trip! Since the viewing was that evening, I was concerned with how well behaved he would be, but he did great! Courtney and Kaitlyn (his cousins) played with him for a while. Then, his Uncle Tim, Courtney and Kaitlyn took him across the street from the funeral home to play on the toddler playground. He had lots of fun there, but was VERY worn out! After leaving the viewing, we went to Christy and Tim's where we spent the night. Christy still had her pack 'n play from the girls, so that's what Christopher slept in. He ended up waking up once around midnight...probably because of the noise from the fabric when he moved.
The funeral was Tuesday morning at 10:00 eastern. I had planned on getting up around 7:00 before everyone else so I could get showered and ready. Unfortunately, Christopher decided to wake up at the same time I did! Therefore, I didn't get a shower until about 20 minutes before we had to leave! I believe I got ready in record time (I normally take 45 minutes to get showered and ready)!
Everything at the funeral was really nice and went well. However, since Christopher was up so early, he was ready for a nap by the time the funeral started and didn't want to sit still and be quiet. Tim ended up taking him outside where they took a walk around the nearby neighborhood. By the time they got back, there was only a few minutes left and he did just fine. From there, we went to the cemetary for the rest of the funeral. I neglected to bring the stroller (big mistake!), so had to hold Christopher the entire time. Of course, all he wanted to do was get down and run around.
After the funeral ended, we gathered at my Aunt Marian and Uncle John's house where they served lunch to the immediate family (Dad & Patti, Aunt Marian, Uncle John, both Uncle Jim's and their SO's, cousins Danny and Terri, sisters Christy and Mindy, BIL Tim, nieces Courtney and Kaitlyn, cousin Randy, his wife Tanya, their kids Sara and Ryan, Christopher and myself). We stayed and visited until about 4:00 eastern when we left to drive back to Erie. I somehow managed to keep Christopher awake for the entire day, so he slept the first 2 hours of the drive back. The whole trip total was about 6 hours and Christopher was awake for about 4 of those. He did VERY well, too! We only stopped twice for food/gas. The only time he got fussy was at the very end, but he made it.
Since Mindy thought she really needed to be at work for something specific on Wednesday, I booked our return flight for Thursday. Therefore, Christopher and I just hung out at her place for the day. Thankfully, she left the dogs in boarding, so we didn't have to deal with Gretchen (Boxer) and Fritz (Weimereiner)! After Mindy returned home, she took us by her office at Mercyhurst to show Christopher off to her co-workers. We got to meet Sherry, who made the cute fleece blanket when Christopher was born. From there, we went to eat dinner at The Olive Garden and then drove through Presque Isle State Park, which took us by Lake Erie. Unfortunately, when we left Mindy's place, I didn't realize that we'd be going site-seeing, so didn't have my camera with me. Plus, the one time we got out by the water, it was too cold and windy so only stayed out for a couple of minutes before getting back in the car and driving on. We got back to her place in time for bed.
Our flight left Cleveland around 12:15 eastern, so since we had to be at the airport by 10:00 eastern, we were up and at it pretty early. We got to the airport with plenty of time. When I went to check in, I asked if Mindy could go back to help me get everything through security (Shad was allowed back in Nashville and it helped TREMENDOUSLY!). Unfortunately, they wouldn't let her, which only aggravated me! Thank goodness there weren't too many people in line since it took me forever! A security employee had to help me put everything through the x-ray machine.
We were able to pre-board, but there was another couple with 2 children of their own (both lap babies). They ended up getting on before us and picked the front row. I decided to go ahead and sit on the isle seat with them. However, AFTER the plane was loaded (full flight), the flight attendant informed us that there were only 4 oxygen masks per row, so I ended up moving to the middle seat of the 2nd row. I think that ended up working out for the best, though. If he'd been next to the window, he would've wanted to play with the window shade. If he'd sat in the isle seat, he would've wanted to run up and down the isle. Since he had nowhere to go, he kept occupied with the tray table. The only time I had a problem with him was when he couldn't get his way with something (playing with the tray table during takeoff and landing, playing with the straw in his Sprite, etc.). Otherwise, he did GREAT. The lady to our left and the man to our right even complimented him on how well behaved he was! The worst part for me was when I went to open his sippy cup of WATER, it exploded and went all over me, Christopher AND the man and woman next to us!!! Oops! They were okay, though, and weren't mad. Thankfully, Christopher and I got the brunt of it!
We actually arrived in Nashville about 10 minutes early, so had to wait on Shad to get us. Of course, with Christopher not having a nap all day, he was sound asleep in the car before leaving the airport! He slept the entire 20-30 minute drive home where I transferred to his crib. He ended up sleeping about another hour when I woke him up to go to Shad's softball game (plus, I didn't want him sleeping too late in the day). He did really well at the ballgame, but was definitely ready for bed when we got home!
All in all, Christopher did GREAT! Next time we fly, Christopher will most likely be older than 2, so will have to have his own seat on the airplane. Plus, he'll need to be in his carseat. Even though it means spending more money, I think it will work out for the best as it'll contain him. He did VERY well on the car ride to Hanover and back, so I know he can handle a long trip again. Who knows when that will be, though.
Here are a few pictures taken from the trip:
On the way to Hanover
Playing in Great Aunt Marian & Great Uncle John's backyard
Christopher and Great Uncle John
Christopher pooping (didn't know it until after the pic was taken)
Ryan and Sara (2nd cousins)
Sara (2nd cousin), Danny (1st cousin), Mindy (sister), Terri (1st cousin)
Playing with Daddy after getting home
Playing with Daddy after getting home
Christmas in Wisconsin
1 week ago
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