That's the stage we're officially in right now!!! UFF DA!!! He actually started approximately a month ago, so I've been dealing with it a little while now. It was okay for...oh...about the first day! I try my hardest to be patient since I KNOW it's his way of learning about the world and everything in it. It's sure not easy, though, when it can be question after question for literally 20 or 30 minutes straight! What irritates me most is when he asks the same question even though we've already answered it. Or, he asks a question that we KNOW he knows the answer to already. I think he's just being silly at those times.
That being said, my favorite questions to answer are the ones about God, Jesus and Heaven. I'm constantly amazed at how he thinks! Seeing life from the perspective of a 3-year old is really very neat! We've already had some important first conversations due to his questioning. I don't believe he's anywhere near being capable of accepting Jesus yet, but the seed's been planted! Well, I guess technically, it was planted from the time he was born since that's how long he's been
hearing about Jesus. But for him to actually start asking his own questions is really, really exciting!
So, on the days when he asks the same redundant or silly questions, I just have to try to remind myself to be patient with him and be ready for the really important ones that come around occasionally. :)