This week has been somewhat uneventful. I'm just anxiously counting down the days to next Thursday for the ultrasound! Hopefully next weekend I can go shopping for some baby clothes to celebrate!
I'm also looking forward to July 27, 28 and 29 as Shad and I are both taking those days off of work for vacation. Unfortunately, since we're saving money right now for when the baby comes, we can't afford to go out of town. Therefore, we're planning to spend one day in Nashville going to places like the zoo and taking a cruise on the General Jackson, one day in Chattanooga visiting the aquarium and then one day here in town to do our own thing. Shad's really wanting to go golfing since he's only been once this Summer and I still have a chocolate massage that he gave me for Valentine's Day. I need to call to find out if they'll accept me since I'm pregnant. That sure would be nice to redeem! I'm sure it would be better when I'm closer to the due date, but figure I have a better chance of getting them to accept me if I'm not showing a whole lot. I've heard there are special massages for pregnant women, so will have to inquire about that soon. I might splurge and get myself a pedicure while I'm there, too. These last few months will probably be my last chance to pamper myself for a while.
Symptoms: The indigestion is definitely coming back this week! I made the mistake of having a caffeine-free Coke one night about 1 hour before bedtime. I started regretting it right away! I guess it's time to go out and buy some more Tums.
6 more days until the ultrasound!!!