Wow! 1 week from today, Christopher will be 8 months old! Time is flying by SO fast!
Two weeks ago, I spent two nights at my mom's house with the 5 dogs (+ Brinkley) while she and my aunt went to a funeral in Georgia. Boy, was that fun and interesting! Please remind me to never have more than 2 dogs at a time...especially indoor dogs! Pretty much every nap Christopher took was cut short because of dogs barking! Grrr!
Last week, Christopher and I spent a night at my dad's in Knoxville. My sister, brother-in-law and 2 nieces were down from Pennsylvania for a few days. Since the last time I saw them was 3 years ago, and because they haven't seen Christopher yet, I decided to make a quick trip over there. It was really nice getting to see them all again. I just wish we didn't live so far apart. The girls are growing up SO FAST! Courtney will be 11 in October and Kaitlyn will be 8 in October. Courtney's now involved in modeling and has head shots and everything! I remember when she was a baby and now she's modeling??? Before I know it, Christopher's going to be that old!
While we were gone, Christopher said his first word...Mama! Actually, it's more like ma ma ma ma ma ma. He doesn't use it in context yet. Shad's not pleased since he's been trying to get Christopher to say Dada for a long time now! He he!
This past weekend, Shad noticed that 2 more of Christopher's bottom teeth had popped through for a total of 4 bottom teeth. I noticed today that 2 TOP teeth are starting to come through, too! That's going to be a total of SIX teeth by the time he's 8 months old!!! All of these are coming in without any change in behaviour, so I don't think they're bothering him too much (THANK GOODNESS!!!). So far, he's not really biting me much. I hope that stays the same while all these teeth are coming in!
Football season starts in less than 1 month (specifically 25 days 0 hours and 15 minutes)! You can bet that I'm going to be there since I missed all but 1 game last year! PawPaw and Grandma Patti are going to babysit Christopher for me. It's going to be quite interesting to see how things go since it's a 3 hour drive over there and a 3 hour drive home. PLUS, the game doesn't start until 5:30 EST, so we'll be getting home pretty late. THEN, we have to get up early for church the next morning. Uff da! Unfortunately, future games for me will probably depend on how things go at the first one. The plus side of a late game, though, is that we get to tailgate, which we didn't get to do at all last year. That's always lots of fun, too!
No crawling yet. That's not to say he's not mobile, though! He pretty much gets to wherever he wants by rolling and scooting! Shad seems to think it won't be long before Christopher's crawling, but I can't really tell. He's gotten on all fours once or twice, but that's been over the last month or so. He hasn't really progressed in that area. He IS able to pull himself into a standing position when he holds our hands. He won't try it when holding on to anything else, though...just our hands. Watch him start walking before he crawls! One day last week, I walked into his room to get him after a nap and he was sitting up waiting for me. That was the first time that happened, but he hasn't done it since then.
As far as solids go...since my last entry, I've introduced him to Peas, Turkey and now Beef tonight. He LOVED them all! He seems to really like pretty much anything I've given to him, so don't really know what, if anything, are his favorites. I assume we'll determine that over time.
Speaking of's time for him to eat now, so better end here. I'll try to update as more milestone's start happening.
Our Second Cruise
4 weeks ago