Today was our first trip to The Discovery Center. My online friend, Kelly M, and her twins have a membership there and offered to let me and Christopher use a guest pass. We met at 9:00 for the Parents and Tots time. Today was the last day and the theme was Water Day. Christopher LOVED it! And, of course, I forgot my camera! Grrr! They set out a bunch of bins, buckets and pools filled with water, and included some sponges, squirt bottles, cups and rubber ducks. I need to remember to get some sponges for him to play with in the pool and the bathtub as he really liked them.
When the inside opened at 10:00, we ventured in to have more fun. There were a few things that Christopher could do. He had lots of fun playing in the playhouse in the Family area. He painted, drew and colored and played with clay in the Arts and Crafts area. He rode in the airplane donated by Daddy's work (Corporate Flight Management). However, he didn't quite grasp the concept that he was supposed to control the thing and I couldn't get in with him, so I ended up standing on my tiptoes to control it for him. He must have enjoyed it, though, since he started crying when I took him out of it. We stayed for about an hour and then came home.
After lunch, while I was cleaning the kitchen, Christopher was playing with a basket of clothes when he lost his balance and slammed his chin against the edge, biting his tongue in the process. Blood went everywhere and, boy, did he wail! Poor thing ended up taking a chunk out, so it's no wonder it hurt so much! I dabbed it for a little while with a wet papertowel and let him suck on an ice cube. After a few minutes, he was perfectly fine. He's too cute, though...whenever I ask to see his tongue, he sticks it out for me to inspect! LOL! I thought he'd have a hard time eating some foods, but I haven't noticed any difference this evening. We'll see how he feels tomorrow.
We're finished with softball now; our last game was last Tuesday. We lost that game, but it didn't matter since we already had 2nd place. If I'd known that before the game, I'd have requested that we just forfeit since 1) we played crappy anyway and 2) it was TOO HOT to be playing outside! Our team leaders have entered us into the district playoffs, which will be held the week of July 9. My only conflict might be on that Monday since I'm planning to enroll Christopher in swimming lessons that begin that day. Swimming lessons will be from 4-6 pm while a softball game could be that evening. Oh well...if I can make the game, I will, and they know that.
Our Second Cruise
4 weeks ago